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Hi, side thing to add (feel free to modify)#1098


Make world mission and stage that give reward (exemple math labyrinth)

you dont know what you need to be lucky in the labyrinth… is it to have 5 card with 1 range, 2 card with 3+ attack… you never know

make boss level, in the same optic, you dont know what you need, maybe th e boss has +1 dmg coming from dark card, maybe it has -1 dmg incoming, maybe range maybe magic you never know. the boss is a sole unit that has lot of hp and buff (like 3 atttack no dgm, 4th attack count). if you didn’t know that it would be a real mees to know where to plce x y z card .. this could be extremly fun and there is just so many variant possible

Make pve mission with reward like in mobile game that you can only play with rented card, it will act as an incentive to new player to rent card and make old player some revenue, while they reap the benefit of be able to have reward that are grrater and exclusive for renter
make mini game that you can do 1 time a day or 2 choose 5 card and hope for the best like…not the best card give best outocme… it would be like how many light card was there ? caus today was the light exploration mission (you dont know before submit and everyone has one different). so 5 lorna could be better than 5 baby julian

all these rewad could be eitheir in a dec burn machanism (20% to player-80 to burn) that way everyone would want to play mission earn some and then burn to make the economy more solid. They could be in another form like pack points… you can open a pack after x point …(this would also make sure the dec generation isn’t getting crazy)

I have tons of idesa like this…if you ever feel like my input is worth something and would like to know more it would be my pleasure. who knows maybe i’ll put my wits and my soul for the good of this project. let me know :)

There should a lot more side thing to do and the land expansion is getting …. i dont know what it is anymore i would love to play but i haven’t in almost a year in the hope there would be much more when i come back. Really open to critic and modification upon the improvement possible …more minds mean more succes :)

i feel like it wont be enough and it too much micmic on axie and cieé
It will be a great feature sure…i even have land ..but i feel like something is missing

just my two cent, have a great day folks

2 years ago